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Corn and Maize Mill Machines

Tailored Solutions for a Healthier and Sustainable Future

Our Products and Services

At Millec, we are committed to providing tailored solutions to our global clients in the field of grain processing technology. Our expertise lies in designing and crafting machinery for wheat and corn mills, feed mills, bulgur plants, and grain elevators. We also specialize in providing staff training and handling installation, ensuring our clients receive the best possible service.


Silos and Grain Elevators


Latest News

Millec's New Grain Elevator Design

Millec's New Grain Elevator Design

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Millec's Feed Mill Training Program

Millec's Feed Mill Training Program

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Our team consists of experienced engineers who are dedicated to research and development, ensuring that we stay up-to-date with the latest technological advancements. We also have logistics and equipment solutions to ensure that our clients have access to everything they need to run their operations smoothly.

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